03 Feb 2018 / Deploy GPU server for zcash cluster mining

Setup ssh-passwd-free environment

30 Jan 2018 / Compile EOS.IO on clean install CentOS 7

This article describe how to complie EOS node on clean installed CentOS 7.

27 Jan 2018 / Setup remote x-window session with putty & xmin

```bash #Setup X window environment and core Gnome component yum -y groupinstall “X Window System” yum install gnome-classic-session gnome-terminal nautilus-open-terminal control-center liberation-mono-fonts

24 Jan 2018 / Hack Yum repository for Readhat Enterprise Linux 7

Hack yum repo for rehl7

16 Jan 2018 / How to solve Undefined reference to `crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt' Error

If you encounter the error like this:

xxx: In function `crypto_derive_key':undefined reference to `crypto_pwhash'
xxx: In function `cipher_aead_decrypt':undefined reference to `crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt'
xxx: In function `cipher_aead_encrypt':undefined reference to `crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [xxx] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `xxx'
make[1]: *** [xxx] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `xxx'
make: *** [all] Error 2

16 Jan 2018 / Deploy Ansible in air-gapped environments

1. 预设环境


15 Jan 2018 / Deploy SaltStack in air-gapped environments

1. Pre-defined environment

We have 4 node and one master which is jin, mu,shui,huo and master with ip We assume that the master have both the Internet access and private network access.

05 Jan 2018 / Deploy heapster with influxdb and grafana in air-gapped environment

This article describes deployment of heapster with influxdb and grafana in an air-gapped environments, based on the pre-installed k8s cluster

02 Jan 2018 / Deploy kubernetes-dashboard in air-gapped environment

This article describes kubernetes dashboard deployment in an air-gapped environments, based on the pre-installed k8s cluster

29 Dec 2017 / Deploy K8s + Calico Network in air-gapped environment within 20 minutes

This is a verified installation documents for K8S 1.9.0 + Calico 2.6.5 + Docker 1.12.6 + etcd 3.2.12 + kube-dns 1.14.7.

18 Dec 2017 / Allow HTTP Redirect for curl

When fetching cloud hosted files, we always encounter redirection for the download link, which is not downloadable by curl with default option.

18 Dec 2017 / Deploy a private docker registry in air-gapped environment

Pre-defined environment

21 Sep 2017 / Asus Merlin+Raspberry打造无感知路由

在上一篇文章《基于无预置IP list的GFW IP解锁方法》中讲述了如何通过Iptables自动检测受干扰的IP地址,在这里将进一步将相关代码整合到实际路由器中。前期个人买了一个Asus Merlin AC-87U,本想将Shadowsocks编译进路由器中,直接实现路由器内的透明代理转发,但尝试半天后,始终未能编译。于是考虑用RaspberryPi+Shadowsocks外挂AC-87U下实现路由转发。

20 Sep 2017 / 基于无预置IP list的GFW IP解锁方法

在以往的基于路由、iptables解锁GFW IP封锁的方法中,均需要一份国内或国外的IP地址列表,然后进行策略路由。基于这种方案的解锁,需要人工去维护一张IP地址列表,其中基于chnroutes方案生成的国内IP地址列表就有8000多条记录,在加载的时候会比较耗时,同时给路由器带来一定负担。本文给出一种基于无IP列表的自动IP访问监测及路由更变策略。